Apparently, histamine receptors evolve earlier than HDC, HNMT, MAO, pointing to a separate evolutionary pathway

A hypothetical explanation is:
- HR2 senses histamine, a chemical by product of histidine (a danger signal)? (histamine and quorum sensing), (Histamine: A Bacterial Signal Molecule, 2021)
- Evolution leads to enzymatic histamine synthesis (by HDC) and immediately two additional receptors HR1 and HR4 arise.
- All further molecules, including HR4, are aimed at reducing the amount of histamine active in the different tissues
- Which is the correct histamine concentration? Too little = sleepiness, and too much = anxiety. How do we manage its level in different organs (hypothalamus, mast cells, etc.)?
Quorum sensing molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone: An all-rounder in mammalian cell modification, 2020
Evolution of decarboxylases

Histidine-DC --> Glutamate-DC --> Aromatic aminoacids DC --> Aspartate DC
Histamine --> GABA --> Serotonin, Dopamine --> alanine, hypotaurine, taurine
Approximately aspartate-DC evolved after estrogens, can be dependent on them
aspartate decarboxylase and estrogens
Colocalization and Hormone Regulation of Estrogen Receptor α and N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor in the Hypothalamus of Female Rats, 2003
… is greatly potentiated by estrogen. We hypothesized that the actions of glutamate and estrogen
may converge at target cells in the brain in which the NMDA and estrogen receptors (ERs…
dopamine and quorum sensing