
Author: Claudia Coppo
Date: 06/02/2012



Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. It is based on the effect of colored light with different frequencies on human neurohormonal pathways, particularly on melatonin and serotonin pathways in brain.

Serotonin is an excitatory neurotransmitter, converted from tryptophan, that regulates numerous neuronal pathways, which are necessary for fisiological brain function. Low levels of this molecule result in mood disorders, like major depressive disorders, SADS (seasonal affective disorder), bipolare disorder, cyclothimic dysthimic disorder e PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). High levels are responsible of hallucinogenic states typical for schizophrenia and other psychotic disordes.

Melatonin is a chronobiotic molecule produced during the night by the pineal gland and derived from serotonin. The melatonin's effects are: regulation of cellular proliferation and apoptosis; limitation of oxidative processes; inhibition of neuronal excitation.


The biological clock is the daily cyclic change and fluctuation in concetrations of melatonine and serotonine levels. In nighttime we have melatonin secretion, while in daytime there is the inhibition of melatonine and secretion of serotonin.
The biological clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), in the hypothalamus.
SCN receives signals from the world trought retinal cells and signals are transmitted by retino-hypothalamic tract to pineal gland. In the SCN there are receptors for melatonin (MT1, MT2), so there is a neural circuit from the pineal back to the SCN. Even when light factors are absent (in dark chamber), melatonin and serotonin are still released in a cyclic manner; even if the SCN is destroyed.
Chromotherapy in the regulation of neurohormonal balance in human brain--complementary application in modern psychiatric treatment, 2008
Chromotherapy in the Regulation of Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain– Complementary Application in Modern Psychiatric Treatment, 2008


It has been noticed that different colours bring about various effects on human organism and behaviour.
How different colours act? Colored light with different frequencies (400-700 nm) act on melatonin and serotonin's pathway modulation, but we still don't know exactly how.
Another theory suggests a role of colours on water molecules: different light frequencies influence the internal structure of water, the main component of human organism. In this sense colours make an internal structural arrangements of its hydrogen-bond linked oxygen atoms.
Chromotherapy in the regulation of neurohormonal balance in human brain--complementary application in modern psychiatric treatment, 2008


*Exposure to sunlight treats neonatal jaundice, blue-light have more effects. Chromotherapy in the Regulation of Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain– Complementary Application in Modern Psychiatric Treatment, 2008
*Bright white full-spectrum light can be used in the treatment of cancer, SAD Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder in primary care:Randomised controlled trial, 2001 , anorexia, bulimia nervosa, insomnia, jet lag, shift working, alcohol and drug dependency and to reduced over all levels of medication. Chromotherapy in the Regulation of Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain– Complementary Application in Modern Psychiatric Treatment, 2008
*Coloured light may be used, like an alternative therapy, in the cases of Tourette syndrome (caused by a decrease in brain serotonin/tryptophan content). Pineal melatonin in Tourette syndrome--can coloured light help?, 1993
*The blue-light can be used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, in pain therapy and for injured tissue. Chromotherapy in the Regulation of Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain– Complementary Application in Modern Psychiatric Treatment, 2008
*Chromotherapy is now adopted to improve the performance of athletes. Red light appears to help athletes who need short, quick bursts of energy, blue light assists in performances requiring a steadier energy output. Chromotherapy in the Regulation of Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain– Complementary Application in Modern Psychiatric Treatment, 2008
*Pink light seems to have a tranquilizing and calming effect, infact it supresses hostis, aggressive and anxious behaviour. It is used to reduce violent and aggressive behaviour among prisoners in the American Penal System. In contrast the research of the yellow spectrum of light on the streets of major American cities has been linked to violence and criminal behaviour during night. Chromotherapy in the regulation of neurohormonal balance in human brain--complementary application in modern psychiatric treatment, 2008


The main hypothesis of chromotherapy is that specific
colors of the visible spectrum are activators or inhibitors
of complex physiological, biological and biochemical processes in human brain such as synthesis of neurohormons, precisely melatonin and serotonin.
Certain parts of brain are light sensitive and respond differently to different wavelengths of visible light spectrum (colours).
The exact mechanism is based on the stimulation of deep brain structures namely hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland by transduction of electromagnetic field trough the visual pathway via retino-hypothalamic tract.
It should be interesting, in the future, investigating on the effect and possible application of chromotherapy in the complementary treatment of diseases related to melatonin and serotonin disturbances and not only. In our opinion chromotheraphy may be useful for everybody to improve social behaviour and mental health.

Claudia Coppo, Paola Cravero

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