Proteins Metabolism

Author: Gianpiero Pescarmona
Date: 20/04/2007


Proteins and Aminoacids

Availability in the whole organism (blood level)
Intake (diet)

Breakdown rate
Gluconeogenesis (cyrcadian rythm)
Glucorticoids (GC)
Competition between GH and glucocorticoids (role of local conditions: rest + aminoacids (insulin ) + hypoxia = GH ? . What mechanism for GC?)
Ageing : GH  glucocorticoids 
Type II diabetes and gluconeogenesis
Type II diabetes and insulin resistance
Infections and endorphins: DHEA , GC , heme , diabetes?

Storage (factors affecting synthesis) + (mw, diameter, AA %,, AA differentiated according to essential(underlined)/not essential, gluconeogenetic, chetogenetic, both)
 Albumin (iron, estrogen?)
 Transferrin (iron  , infection )
 Fibrinogen (IL-6 , oxygen ?)

Diffusion through the vessel wall
It strongly depends on local conditions
Anatomical (kidney, brain etc)
Functional (hypoxia, work)

Diffusion through the tissue

Transport across the cell membrane
Role of digestion in acidic environment
Protons sources
Drugs interference

Differential AA requirements at the intracellular level (there is a specific AA pattern for every compartment ?)
Glycolysis/ Hexose monophosphate shunt (HMS)
Enzymes of DNA synthesis

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