L'esercizio fisico allena il corpo a farlo sempre meglio, purtroppo adattarsi a elevati livelli di esercizio è faticoso, mentre è facile ritornare a quelli bassi.
Irisin Enhances Osteoblast Differentiation In Vitro, 2014
It has been recently demonstrated that exercise activity increases the expression of the myokine Irisin in skeletal muscle, which is able to drive the transition of white to brown adipocytes, likely following a phenomenon of transdifferentiation. This new evidence supports the idea that muscle can be considered an endocrine organ, given its ability to target adipose tissue by promoting energy expenditure. In accordance with these new findings, we hypothesized that Irisin is directly involved in bone metabolism, demonstrating its ability to increase the differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells into mature osteoblasts. Firstly, we confirmed that myoblasts from mice subjected to 3 weeks of free wheel running increased Irisin expression compared to nonexercised state. The conditioned media (CM) collected from myoblasts of exercised mice induced osteoblast differentiation in vitro to a greater extent than those of mice housed in resting conditions. Furthermore, the differentiated osteoblasts increased alkaline phosphatase and collagen I expression by an Irisin-dependent mechanism. Our results show, for the first time, that Irisin directly targets osteoblasts, enhancing their differentiation. This finding advances notable perspectives in future studies which could satisfy the ongoing research of exercise-mimetic therapies with anabolic action on the skeleton.
Omissis.... physical exercise activity increases the transcriptional regulator Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor- Coactivator 1 ( PGC-1 ) in the skeletal muscle, which in turn drives the production of the membrane protein Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 ( FNDC5 ). This is subsequently cleaved as the myokine Irisin, which acts on white adipose tissue (WAT), stimulating uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) expression, one of the master genes of brown adipose tissue (BAT), and activating the browning response.
Protein Aminoacids Percentage
Dall'analisi dei grafici si vede che dal punto di vista evolutivo la sequenza è
UCP1 --> FNDC5 --> PGC-1
La più antica è quella che fa il lavoro di disaccoppiare, le altre che ne inducono la sintesi vengono dopo
La domanda è come sono regolati regolatori?
Altri effetti:
Irisin (FDNC5) è ricca di triptofano, essenziale per la sintesi del DNA.
Cerco Irisin and cell proliferation e trovo 11.110 lavori...
Mentre se cerco UCP and cell proliferation trovo fondalmente lavori che affermano che la proliferazione è inibita.
Metabolic syndrome: from epidemiology to systems biology, 2008
deletion of PRGC1 had increased insulin sensitivity rather than the predicted insulin resistance …
Ma see PRGC1 ha tantissima serina, che deriva da glucoso, quando io la spengo l'organismo si spaventa per la mancanza di glucoso e aumenta la sensibilità all'insulina. Da un punto di vista evoluzionistico è corretto.