The reasons for an impairment in coagulation cascade can be classified in two class: acquired/modifiable and genetic/non modifiable. To set up a systematic approch each class has to be accurately considered. In this section is possible to find the principal causes implicated in thrombosis development.
Among acquired/modifiable causes it is possible to enumerate:
Tobacco smoking
Insuline resistance
Hypercholesterolemia and abnormal lipoprotein pathway profile
High blood pressure
Sleep deprivation
Bacterial infection
Elevated heart rate
Sedentary lifestyle
Absence of omega-3 fatty acids in diet
Among genetic/non modifiable causes it is possible to enumerate a lot of genetic mutation, some of which are now well documentated. A lot of other genetic mutation are currently studied, but it is difficult to find a direct correlation between gene and disease: it is becoming more and more clearly that cardiovascular diseases are results of combination of causes.
Proved genetic mutations directly iplicated in cardiovascular diseases are:
Factor V mutations
Prothrombin mutation
Protein C mutations
Obviously some of the points indicated in the first list can be related to genetic causes. These mutations however are not directly related with an impairment of the coagulation event.