
Author: Gianpiero Pescarmona
Date: 25/03/2007



The aim of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway is different:

  • the extrinsic is aimed to supply a fibrin bed for tissue cell reproduction (dead cells replacement, cancer etc)
  • the intrinsic is aimed to avoid blood losses after wounding or to avoid diffusion of microbes from the environment

Siccome il PAI-1, un inibitore dell’attivatore tessutale del plasminogeno (tPA), che puo’ essere indotto da glucocorticoidi, insulina e da numerose citochine infiammatorie (TGF beta, TNFalfa, Il-6), può aumentare il rischio di trombosi quando si associa ad altre alterazioni dei fattori della coagulazione quali l’aumento di fibrinogeno, abbiano cercato di capire quale fosse il ruolo dei fattori rilevanti nella sintesi del PAI-1 (glucocorticoidi, TNF alfa etc) in condizioni comuni come la menopausa, la terapia ormonale sostitutiva e l’osteoporosi.

2008-10-02T12:27:15 - eleonora marcellino

In case of hematologic malignancies, patients follow the chemiotherapy and then there might be necessity of a bone marrow graft. In this situation IL-6 induces an increase of fibrinogen. In a physiological situation, this fibrinogen is metabolized by specific cells into D-dimer. After this, there is the white cells-proliferation that is the signal of a correct body response. If not, the increase of fibrinogen, as one of the element in the coagulation process, causes thrombosis all-over the body. Some symptoms may be: mucositis and stomatitis, micro-infarctions, cutaneous rashes. If the situation is more diffused there might be big tissue infarctions and death.

Hypercoagulability and tissue factor gene upregulation in hematologic malignancies

Hypercoagulability in patients with haematological neoplasia: no apparent initiation by tissue factor

The incidence of and risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE) and bleeding among 1514 patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: implications for VTE prevention

graft versus host disease

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