- Intrinsic pathway (blood)
- Factor XII
- Factor XI
- Factor IX
- Extrinsic pathway (tissue)
- Factor VII (TFPI inhibits)
Fibrin Clot Formation Common Pathway
- Factor X (ATIII inhibits)
- Thrombin (Vit K) (ATIII inhibits)
Fibrin Clot Cross-linking
- Factor XIII
- Factor XIIIa
- Factor XIIIb
Local Regulation
Let's assume that the Glu/Gln ratio is a reliable marker of oxygen level in the environment when a protein appears for the first time.
According to this hypothesis due to evolutionary oxygen increase in the atmosphere the sequence of the proteins appearence should be:
Coagulation proteins ordered in ascending way according to Glu/Gln ratio
New research reveals oxygen's contributions to evolution 2006
As some coagulatory proteins are activated by post-translational modification Vitamin K -dependent, we checked also the behavior of proteins involved in bacterial synthesis of Vit. K or of human Co Q10, a structural and functional analog of Vit. K.
COQ6 and COQ7 are human proteins involved in CoQ synthesis specific steps
MENB are proteins specific for bacterial Vitamin K synthesis
More details about O2 rise on a shorter time scale
O2 stepping increase
O2 stepping increase n.2
Oxygen rise and living organisms