d. Oscillating
Life Context

Author: Gianpiero Pescarmona
Date: 27/03/2007


Cytoplasmic Calcium Regulation

Dose dependence of oscillations frequency (vasopressin, histamine etc)

Metabolic oscillation at cellular level


Metabolic oscillation

Glucose and Insulin

Circadian rhythm (cortisol)

from Complementary Oncology

NOCTURNIN expression profiles calculated in lymphocytes from 15 healthy volunteers collected at 4-hour intervals over 24 h. NOCTURNIN mRNA levels are expressed as geometric mean ± 95% confidence interval. A significant diurnal variation was highlighted by repeated measures ANOVA and Cosinor analysis.∗ p < 0.05 compared to nearest times.

Urinary flow circadian rythm

Cortisol endothelin-1 circadian rhythm

Circadian glucocorticoid oscillations promote learning-dependent synapse formation and maintenance, 2013

Circadian rhythm (TSH)

√, 2012
h3. Circadian rhythm

In fact, TSH is one of the well-known hormones, such as cortisol, melatonin, prolactin, etc. that change as part of the daily circadian rhythm. TSH peaks during the night and remains lower during the day. The fact that serum T4 and T3 levels remain relatively constant despite this change is intriguing, though again, there is likely a good deal of regulation we don't understand and that is difficult to measure at an intracellular level, and it may have to do with some of the regulation I talk about in a couple of paragraphs.

The effects of photoperiod on growth rate and circulating thyroid hormone levels in the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus: evidence for a free-running circadian rhythm of T4 secretion, 2001

Chronobiology in the endocrine system, 2007

Circadian rhythm in the number of vasopressin-containing neurons in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of *(A) young subjects (<50 years of age)* and *(B) elderly subjects (>50 years of age)*. The black bars indicate the night period (22:00–06:00 h). The general trend in the data is enhanced by using a smoothed double plotted curve and is represented by mean ±SEM values. Note the circadian rhythm in the SCN of young people, with low values during the night period and peak values during the early morning.

Hypothalamic Peptides in Human Brain Diseases, 1999

CSF Na+ Rhythm

Cerebrospinal fluid sodium rhythms, 2010

Link to Migraine??

Hearthbeat fractal behaviour

Nonlinear Dynamics, Fractals, and Chaos Theory:

Implications for Neuroautonomic Heart Rate Control

in Health and Disease

Heart diseases circadian rate

Circadian rythm in sheep

Clock genes

High-Fat Diet Disrupts Behavioral and Molecular Circadian Rhythms in Mice, 2007

2011-12-12T16:19:26 - Annamaria Vernone

Cerebrospinal fluid sodium rhythms

Circadian Rhythms: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications
Figure 3

2008-02-06T05:20:01 - Gianpiero Pescarmona

Emodialisi cronica: decessi più probabili al mattino
Nei pazienti sotto emodialisi a lungo termine, i decessi avvengono più di frequente nelle ore del mattino di quanto si potrebbe attribuire al caso. Si osserva infatti una variazione circadiana nella mortalità della popolazione non in dialisi, e gli eventi cardiovascolari avvengono più frequentemente al mattino, ma non era mai stato finora accertato se ciò avvenisse anche nei pazienti in emodialisi. La presenza di sintomi medici durante l'ultima sessione dialitica è inversamente correlata alla probabilità di mortalità mattutina in questi pazienti. Sono necessari ulteriori studi per esplorare i meccanismi che portano a questo ritmo circadiano, e valutare interventi atti a ridurre il rischio di eventi mattutini. (Am J Kidney Dis 2008; 51: 53-61)

2007-05-14T14:39:22 - Gianpiero Pescarmona

sono in disaccordo perche' il caso non puo' essere spiegato come confermato dall'articolo: The association of metabolic syndrome and Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus type 1: the Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study.

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