Saving a search strategy in PubMed using MyNCBI
Research strategies

Author: Elena Giglia
Date: 17/06/2007


You can save your search strategy in your own MyNCBI space. Then you can choose to run again your search or select the option to automatically update and e-mail search results from your saved searches in a scheduled time.


  1. Open a PubMed session. Click MyNCBI header on the upper right of the screen.
  2. The first time click on REGISTER (it is free!) and enter a User Name (3-10 alpha-numeric characters) and a Password (6-8 alpha-numeric characters). You can make your browser remember it.
  3. Choose a security question and answer (if you forget your password); then enter the characters displayed as an image in the text box.
  4. Enter a default e-mail address. This e-mail address will be used for both automatic e-mail updates and the Send to E-mail feature in PubMed. A confirmation e-mail message will be sent.


  1. Open a PubMed session. Click SIGN IN in the MyNCBI header on the upper right of the screen.
  2. Set your query and run your search.
  3. Click the SAVE SEARCH link next to the query box Clear button. A separate window will open; you may edit the name of the search: it will be included in the Subject of the automatic e-mail update messages
  4. Click OK to simply save the search.
  5. To retrieve your saved search, first sign in to MyNCBI, then click My NCBI header: a page appears with "My saved searches and collections". You have to open the "SEARCHES" label.
  6. To run again your search, flag it and click WHAT'S NEW FOR SELECTED.
  7. To display the new items, click the # new items link. This also updates the saved search with the current date and time.


1-3 as before.
4. Click the YES button to receive automatic e-mail updates of new search results.
5. You can change the frequency of your updates by changing the defaults under HOW OFTEN? E-mailed updates will be sent on the scheduled days.
6. To change or create a schedule for a saved search click the link under the DETAILS column on your list of "SEARCHES".

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