Saving results to a "Collection" is a two-step process; results are first sent to the "Clipboard" and then to "My NCBI Collections"
1. Open a PubMed session. Click MyNCBI header on the upper right of the screen.
2. The first time click on REGISTER (it is free!) and enter a User Name (3-10 alpha-numeric characters) and a Password (6-8 alpha-numeric characters). You can make your browser remember it.
3. Choose a security question and answer (if you forget your password); then enter the characters displayed as an image in the text box.
4. Enter a default e-mail address. This e-mail address will be used for both automatic e-mail updates and the Send to E-mail feature in PubMed. A confirmation e-mail message will be sent.
5. Next time you have only to click SIGN IN to access MyNCBI.
1. Sign in to My NCBI
2. Set your query and click GO
3. From the results list, you can select the items you want to save using the check boxes.
4. Open the SEND TO menu and choose CLIPBOARD (if you do not select any items all results up to 500 items will be sent to the clipboard). An asterisk appears on the CLIPBOARD label to indicate that there are items in.
5. Open the Clipboard (click the CLIPBOARD label).
6. Select the items you want to save (if you do not select any items all results will be saved).
7. Open again SEND TO menu and choose MY NCBI COLLECTIONS.
8. On the SAVE COLLECTIONS pop-up window you may create a new collection or append to an existing collection, enter a collection name, and delete the saved items from the clipboard.
1. Sign in to My NCBI
2. Click the My NCBI header. A page will appear with "My saved searches and collections".
3. To retrieve your saved results, click the "COLLECTIONS" label.