Panminerva Med. 2008 Jun;50(2):89-96.
HDL cholesterol and bone mineral density in normal-weight postmenopausal women: is there any possible association?, 2008
D'Amelio P, Di Bella S, Tamone C, Ravazzoli MG, Cristofaro MA, Di Stefano M, Isaia G.
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Turin, Turin, Italy.
Epidemiological investigation of the association between lipid profile, atherosclerosis and bone mass has produced conflicting
The present paper reports the assessment of the lipid profile, bone mineral density (BMD) and turnover in a cohort of Italian women.
In this cross sectional study we enrolled 173 women in menopause (101 osteoporotic and 72 normal). In each subject the authors evaluated BMD, bone turnover, lipid profile (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein [HDL], low density lipoprotein [LDL] and triglycerides), and risk factors for osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and eating habits using a questionnaire.
HDL was significantly higher in osteoporotic patients than in controls and the risk of osteoporosis was significantly higher in women with higher level of HDL. The authors suggest that the level of HDL could be used as screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis: the cut-off points recommended are HDL >61 mg/dL to detect women with a high risk (sensitivity 74%) and <45 mg/dL to detect those with a low risk (specificity 83%).
This study provides evidences of the relation between HDL, but not total cholesterol or LDL levels with BMD in a cohort of normal-weight women and equally distributed cardiovascular risks. It also suggests that a proatherogenic lipid profile is associated with higher bone mineral density, and that HDL can be used in deciding whether a patient's BMD should be measured.C
alcif Tissue Int. 2007 Feb;80(2):76-80. Epub 2007 Feb 2.
Hypovitaminosis D in internal medicine inpatients., 2007
Corino A, D'Amelio P, Gancia R, Del Rizzo P, Gabasio S, Limone P, Isaia G.
Division of Internal Medicine, Gradenigo Hospital, Corso Regina Margherita 8, 10153 Torino, Italy.
Some studies have suggested that hypovitaminosis D may be a consequence of protein-calorie malnutrition. This study assessed both the relationship between vitamin D status, malnutrition, calcium and phosphorus metabolism indices and the importance attached by internists to these alterations. There were 239 patients admitted to an internal medicine division who underwent examinations to assess nutritional state, liver and renal function, and bone metabolism. At the end of the study, the clinical data included in the discharge letter, the treatment prescribed, and the diagnosis assigned to patients on their hospital discharge form were collected. Hypovitaminosis D was found in 72% and hypoalbuminemia in 34.3% of patients. Subjects with hypovitaminosis were generally older and had lower albumin levels than those with mild or no hypovitaminosis. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D was inversely related with parathyroid hormone and directly related with albumin. Alterations of calcium and phosphorus metabolism were present in 55.6% and recorded by the division's physicians for only 13.53% of patients, of whom 72.37% were not specifically treated. There is a direct correlation between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and albumin levels. The high incidence and the metabolic consequence of hypovitaminosis D and of protein-calorie malnutrition is significantly underestimated and undertreated by physicians.
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Si comunica che al sito internet
é possibile consultare il Bando Ricerca Scientifica 2011 della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo.
Gli ambiti di intervento del Bando Ricerca Scientifica 2011 sono la "Ricerca in campo medico" e l'"Innovazione Tecnologica".
Le richieste di contributo dovranno essere redatte on-line, esclusivamente attraverso l'apposito Modulo presente sul sito della Fondazione.
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande on-line, nonché,
dell'invio della copia cartacea alla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di
Cuneo, é il 31.10.2011.
Al fine di acquisire la firma del Magnifico Rettore, le SS.VV. sono invitate a far pervenire, entro il 24.10.2011, la documentazione da inviare alla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo.
Si fa presente, inoltre, che nell'ipotesi in cui si presenti domanda di
contributo in qualità di capofila, nell'ambito dell'Intervento
"Innovazione Tecnologica", Le SS.VV. sono invitate a far pervenire
all'Ufficio Scrivente la documentazione corredata dalla nota allegata
alla presente.
All'interno del Bando potrà essere reperita qualsiasi altra informazione
utile, ma si rimane a disposizione per ogni ulteriore ed eventuale
Si coglie l'occasione per porgere cordiali saluti.